Nitrogen contribution of field pea in annual cropping systems. 2. Total nitrogen benefit
Beckie, H. J., S. A. Brandt, J. J. Schoenau , C. A. Campbell, J. L. Henry, and H. H. Janzen. 1997. Can. J. Plant Sci. 77: 323-331
The total nitrogen (N) benefit of field
pea (Pisum sativum ) to a succeeding non-legume crop was measured in a small plot experiment at Scott, Saskatchewan in the
moist Dark Brown soil climatic zone, and in a small plot and landscape experiment near Melfort, Saskatchewan in the moist Black
soil climatic zone from 1993 to 1995. The total N benefit was calculated as the difference in net N mineralized from soil plus N
in the above- and below-ground crop residue between field pea and non-legume stubble-cropped plots over the growing season.
Landscape slope position did not affect the total N benefit of field pea to a succeeding wheat crop, and preseeding tillage had an
inconsistent effect on the total N benefit between years. The direct N benefit of field pea aboveground residue available to the suc-
ceeding crop in the landscape experiment was a minor component of the total N benefit, which averaged 25 kg N ha -1. The total
N benefit was equivalent to the N residual effect, defined as the amount of fertilizer N required for a non-legume crop grown on
non-legume stubble to achieve the same yield as that of the non-legume crop on field pea stubble. This confirms that the N resid-
ual effect of field pea to the succeeding non-legume crop was due to the N contribution; any non-N contribution to the N residual
effect was effectively excluded.
Key Words
Pisum sativum, Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, Brassica rapa, Linum usitatissimum, total nitrogen benefit