Are Barley Yields on Eroded Calcareous Soils Restricted by Low Zinc Supply?
Greer, K. J., J. J. Schoenau and A. M. Szmigielska . 2002. Soils and Crops Conference Proceedings
Calcareous knolls are often relatively unproductive locations in a field landscape. This may be
attributed to lack of moisture as well as limited nutrient supplies. A growth chamber study was
initiated to investigate the role of micronutrient deficiencies in yield limitations observed on
calcareous knolls. Three rates of zinc (Zn) fertilizer were applied to calcareous soils collected
from both an Asquith and Amulet association. In addition, macronutrients were applied in
sufficient quantities as to not limit plant yields. Barley was grown in the treatments, harvested,
and the treatments were compared. Results indicated a highly significant barley dry matter yield
response to Zn fertilizer.
Key Words
barley, zinc, copper, micronutrient, erosion, knoll, calcareous