Photo: M. E. Wood |
Spatial Variation in Nutrient Dynamics Among Five Different Peatland Types in the Alberta Oil Sands Region. |
Effects of Flooding on Ion Exchange Rates in an Upper Mississippi River Floodplain Forest Impacted by Herbivory, Invasion, and Restoration. Kreiling, R.M., N.R. De Jager, W. Swanson, E.A. Strauss, and M. Thomsen. 2015. Wetlands. |
Herbicide Management of Invasive Cattail (Typha × glauca) Increases Porewater Nutrient Concentrations. Lawrence, B.A., S.C. Lishawa, Y. Rodriguez, and N.C. Tuchman. 2015. Wetlands Ecology and Management. |
Photo: M. Wang |
Stoichiometric Response of Shrubs and Mosses to Long-term Nutrient (N, P and K) Addition in an Ombrotrophic Peatland. Wang, M., T. Larmola, M. Murphy, T. Moore, and J. Bubier. 2015. Plant and Soil. |
Burning and Cultivation Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Nutrients in Wetland Soils from Saskatchewan, Canada. |