Why do plants grow so well in some soils, but not others? What happens when compost or plant residues are applied to soil? How is nutrient mobility affected by changes in soil moisture or temperature? Do plant communities alter soil nutrient bioavailability?
PRS® Probes are used throughout the world by researchers to answer these questions and many others. These same questions can be explored by students using PRS® Probes, even in the absence of laboratory facilities. Students bury PRS® Probes under natural conditions or in simple experimental set-ups. After a burial period of one hour to one month, PRS® Probes are returned to Western Ag Innovations for analysis, with data usually available within one week.
PRS® Probes have a number of characteristics that make them ideal tools to teach students about soil processes. PRS® Probes consist of an ion exchange resin membrane encased in a plastic holding device that can easily be inserted into soil with minimal disturbance. The rate of ion flux to the ion exchange membrane depends on the same factors controlling ion diffusion to plant roots. This rate is sensitive to soil physical, chemical and biological characteristics. PRS® Probes can also be buried for weeks, providing a time-dynamic measure of soil ion bioavailability. This highly adaptable tool is easily used in the field, greenhouse, growth chamber, or lab. Using PRS® Probes allows students to get hands-on experience with the same tool used by hundreds of researchers and agronomists each year.
A nominal cost will be charged for approved classroom projects. Please contact us for more information.